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Alexander Haeberlin

19. January 2014

1. Title of the Project
(What is your basic material + fabrication method? (choose 1-2 representative sketches from the beginning of the project or representative images from the web(add references!)))

2. Computational Designs
(3-5 Screenshots of first digital results after rhino/processing tutorials in the first week (f.e. extruded surface structures, loft surfaces, mechanical models, generative scripts, renderings,..))

3. First Ideas and Main Concept
(3 images illustrating your first ideas (one sentence per image) / 1-3 images main concept illustrating your starting point for fabrication (sketches, microscopic images, generative scripts,..)

4. Modelling and Fabrication process
(3-8 pictures/ videos of your progress)

5. Final Outcome
(3-5 photo, rendering, video)