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Prototyping – Let’s GO!

Dezember 21, 2011

Der Prototyp In dieser Woche ging es wirklich heiss zu und her. Wir erarbeiteten in dieser Woche den endgültigen Prototyp unser "El Toro 3000". Hierzu legte sich Nando unser Industrial Designer im Team mächtig ins Zeug und überraschte uns mit seiner Blechbiegekunst. Anschliessend laserte und bog Yves und Nando das Plexiglas Cover des Spieltisches: Wir haben wie oben im Bild ersichtlich 3 Varianten gestaltet. Eine in Aluminium und 2 in Plexiglas. Das eine Cover wurde jedoch in Lichtdurchlässigem Plexiglas gestaltet und hergestellt. Leider mussten wir diese Variante jedoch verwerfen, da die Lichtdurchlässigkeit so stark war, sodass die LED zu stark wahrgenommen wurde. Prototyp Gehäuse komplett: Optimierung und Fehlerbehebung Natürlich ist ein erster Prototyp nicht fehlerfrei, so auch unser nicht. Wir eruierten die Fehler, welche das Design oder die Umsetzung beinhalteten und verbesserten diese soweit Möglich, denn die letzte Präsentation vor der Abschluss präsentation stand kurz bevor. Hier seht ihr Eindrücke unserer "Hauptprobe": Und ein kleines Video dazu: Prototyp END Kurz vor der Schlusspräsentation wird noch das letzte Stück angeschraubt, die letzten Code Zeilen geschrieben und der letzte Fingerabdruck weggewischt. Unser Kabelsalat: Eindrücke unserer El Toro:

Arduino Code

// Code for the HPRGB board driving a 8.5 Watt Dealextreme LED
// Input Voltage: 12V
// Current per LED: 350mA
// Board Frequency: 600 KHz
// Vf R: 6,39
// Vf G: 9,38
// Vf B: 9,22
// AIN 4 + 5 are used for I2C communication

// Libraries ---------------------------------------------------------
#include <Wire.h>
#include <HPRGB2.h>
#include <NewSoftSerial.h>

// Instance of HPRGB Object ------------------------------------------
HPRGB ledShield; // default mcp4728 id(0) and default PCA9685 id(0)

// Pin definitions ---------------------------------------------------
// define the pins for buttons and switches
#define RGBPIN 4
#define BUTWHITE 12
#define BUTKOMP A0

// slider multiplexer
#define S1 5
#define S2 6
#define S3 7
#define mp1 A3 // Common Output Analog(Z)

// button multiplexer
#define S4 9
#define S5 10
#define S6 11
#define mp2 A2 // Common Output Analog(Z)

// define small rgb led pins
#define SDI 2
#define CKI 3
#define STRIP_LENGTH 8  //LEDs on this strip

// LCD Display
#define txPin 8

// const
const int sliderAnzahl = 7;
const int buttonAnzahl = 8;

const int mpSelection[][3] = {

// Variables ---------------------------------------------------------
// rgb switch
boolean rgbState = HIGH;
// white switch
boolean whiteState = HIGH;
// complementar switch
boolean kompState = HIGH;

// sliders
int sliderValue[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
// buttons
boolean buttonValue[] = {false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false};
// memory mode
boolean memoryMode = false;

int playCounter = 2;

// led out
int ledOut1 = 0;
int ledOut2 = 0;
int ledOut3 = 0;

// led backup
int _ledOut1 = 0;
int _ledOut2 = 0;
int _ledOut3 = 0;

// led complementar
int ledOutKom1   = 0;
int ledOutKom2 = 0;
int ledOutKom3 = 0;

// small LED
byte rgbArray[3]; // array to store rgb values converted from hsb to rgb
long strip_colors[] = {0,0,0xFF0000,0xFFFF00,0x00FF00,0x00FFFF,0x0000FF,0xFF00FF};     // array holding colors for all leds in strip
long _strip_colors[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};

// LCD Display
NewSoftSerial lcd(0,txPin);

// Setup -------------------------------------------------------------
void setup()
  Serial.begin(9600); // Setup Serial Port
  // slider mp
  pinMode(S1, OUTPUT); // Analog Multiplexer
  pinMode(S2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(S3, OUTPUT);
  // button mp
  pinMode(S4, OUTPUT); // Analog Multiplexer
  pinMode(S5, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(S6, OUTPUT);

  // RGB
  ledShield.setCurrent(350,350,350); // set maximum current for channel 1-3 (mA)
  ledShield.setFreq(600 ); // operation frequency of the LED driver (KHz)
  ledShield.eepromWrite(); // write current settings to EEPROM
  delay(100); // wait for EEPROM writing

  // RGB / HSB switch
  pinMode(RGBPIN, INPUT);
  digitalWrite(RGBPIN, HIGH);

  // button white
  digitalWrite(BUTWHITE, HIGH);

  // button complementar
  pinMode(BUTKOMP, INPUT);
 // digitalWrite(BUTKOMP, HIGH); // 10k Ohm on 5V

  // small LED pins
  pinMode(SDI, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(CKI, OUTPUT);

  // init LCD
// Loop -------------------------------------------------------------
void loop()
  // read switch mode
  rgbState = digitalRead(RGBPIN);
  whiteState = digitalRead(BUTWHITE);
  kompState = digitalRead(BUTKOMP);

  // read color
  for (int i = 0; i < sliderAnzahl; i++) {     digitalWrite(S1, mpSelection[i][0]);      digitalWrite(S2, mpSelection[i][1]);     digitalWrite(S3, mpSelection[i][2]);        sliderValue[i] = map(analogRead(mp1),0,1023,0,255);  // 10bit -> 8bit
  // map fade color
  ledOut1 = map(sliderValue[6],0,255,sliderValue[0],sliderValue[3]);
  ledOut2 = map(sliderValue[6],0,255,sliderValue[1],sliderValue[4]);
  ledOut3 = map(sliderValue[6],0,255,sliderValue[2],sliderValue[5]);

  // complementar color
  if(rgbState == HIGH){
    ledOutKom1 = 255 - ledOut1;
    ledOutKom2 = 255 - ledOut2;
    ledOutKom3 = 255 - ledOut3;
  } else {
    ledOutKom1 = ledOut1 + 128;
    if(ledOutKom1 >= 255) ledOutKom1-= 255;
    ledOutKom2 = ledOut2;
    ledOutKom3 = ledOut3;

  ledOut1 = 0.2*ledOut1 + 0.8*_ledOut1;
  ledOut2 = 0.2*ledOut2 + 0.8*_ledOut2;
  ledOut3 = 0.2*ledOut3 + 0.8*_ledOut3;

  // clear buttons & memorymode
  if(((ledOut1-_ledOut1) > 5 || (ledOut1-_ledOut1) < -5) || ((ledOut2-_ledOut2) > 5 || (ledOut2-_ledOut2) < -5) || ((ledOut3-_ledOut3) > 5 || (ledOut3-_ledOut3) < -5) ||) {
    memoryMode = false;
    for(int i=0;i < buttonAnzahl; i++ ) {
      buttonValue[i] = false;

  // color channel backup for smoothing
  _ledOut1 = ledOut1;
  _ledOut2 = ledOut2;
  _ledOut3 = ledOut3;

  if(kompState == LOW) {
    if(rgbState == HIGH){
    } else {
  } else if(whiteState == LOW) {
    ledShield.goToRGB(250, 250, 250);
  } else {
    for (int i = 0; i < buttonAnzahl; i++) {
      digitalWrite(S4, mpSelection[i][0]);
      digitalWrite(S5, mpSelection[i][1]);
      digitalWrite(S6, mpSelection[i][2]);

      if(analogRead(mp2)         for(int i=0;i < buttonAnzahl-1; i++ ) {
          buttonValue[i] = false;
        buttonValue[i] = true;
        memoryMode = true;

    if(memoryMode) {
      // save button 1
      if(buttonValue[0] && buttonValue[7]) {
        strip_colors[2] = (long)ledOut1 << 16 | (long)ledOut2 << 8 | (long)ledOut3;         buttonValue[7] = false;         buttonValue[0] = false;         memoryMode = false;       } else if(buttonValue[0]) {         ledOut1 =  strip_colors[2] >> 16 & 0xff;
        ledOut2 =  strip_colors[2] >> 8 & 0xff;
        ledOut3 = strip_colors[2] & 0xff;

      // save button 2
      if(buttonValue[1] && buttonValue[7]) {
        strip_colors[3] = (long)ledOut1 << 16 | (long)ledOut2 << 8 | (long)ledOut3;         buttonValue[7] = false;         buttonValue[1] = false;         memoryMode = false;       } else if(buttonValue[1]) {         ledOut1 = strip_colors[3] >> 16 & 0xff;
        ledOut2 = strip_colors[3] >> 8 & 0xff;
        ledOut3 = strip_colors[3] & 0xff;

      // save button 3
      if(buttonValue[2] && buttonValue[7]) {
        strip_colors[4] = (long)ledOut1 << 16 | (long)ledOut2 << 8 | (long)ledOut3;         buttonValue[7] = false;         buttonValue[2] = false;         memoryMode = false;       } else if(buttonValue[2]) {         ledOut1 = strip_colors[4] >> 16 & 0xff;
        ledOut2 = strip_colors[4] >> 8 & 0xff;
        ledOut3 = strip_colors[4] & 0xff;

      // save button 4
      if(buttonValue[3] && buttonValue[7]) {
        strip_colors[5] = (long)ledOut1 << 16 | (long)ledOut2 << 8 | (long)ledOut3;         buttonValue[7] = false;         buttonValue[3] = false;         memoryMode = false;         } else if(buttonValue[3]) {         ledOut1 = strip_colors[5] >> 16 & 0xff;
        ledOut2 = strip_colors[5] >> 8 & 0xff;
        ledOut3 = strip_colors[5] & 0xff;

      // save button 5
      if(buttonValue[4] && buttonValue[7]) {
        strip_colors[6] = (long)ledOut1 << 16 | (long)ledOut2 << 8 | (long)ledOut3;         buttonValue[7] = false;         buttonValue[4] = false;         memoryMode = false;       } else if(buttonValue[4]) {         ledOut1 = strip_colors[6] >> 16 & 0xff;
        ledOut2 = strip_colors[6] >> 8 & 0xff;
        ledOut3 = strip_colors[6] & 0xff;

      // save button 6
      if(buttonValue[5] && buttonValue[7]) {
        strip_colors[7] = (long)ledOut1 << 16 | (long)ledOut2 << 8 | (long)ledOut3;         buttonValue[7] = false;         buttonValue[5] = false;         memoryMode = false;       } else if(buttonValue[5]) {         ledOut1 = strip_colors[7] >> 16 & 0xff;
        ledOut2 = strip_colors[7] >> 8 & 0xff;
        ledOut3 = strip_colors[7] & 0xff;

      // play
      if(buttonValue[6]) {
        for(int i=0;i < buttonAnzahl; i++ ) {buttonValue[i] = false;}
        buttonValue[6] = true;

        for (int i = 0; i < STRIP_LENGTH; i++) {           _strip_colors[i] = strip_colors[i];           if(playCounter != i){             strip_colors[i] = 0;           }         }         ledOut1 = strip_colors[playCounter] >> 16 & 0xff;
        ledOut2 = strip_colors[playCounter] >> 8 & 0xff;
        ledOut3 = strip_colors[playCounter] & 0xff;
        ledShield.goToRGB(ledOut1, ledOut2, ledOut3);


        if(playCounter >= STRIP_LENGTH) {playCounter = 2; }
        for (int i = 0; i < STRIP_LENGTH; i++) {
          strip_colors[i] = _strip_colors[i];
      // save
      if(buttonValue[7]) {
        for (int i = 2; i < STRIP_LENGTH; i++) {
          _strip_colors[i] = strip_colors[i];
          strip_colors[i] = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < STRIP_LENGTH; i++) {
          strip_colors[i] = _strip_colors[i];
    } else { // live mode
      // rgb / hsb
      if (rgbState == HIGH){
        // we are in rgb mode
        ledShield.goToRGB(ledOut1, ledOut2, ledOut3);

        //small LED
        strip_colors[0] = (long)sliderValue[0] << 16 | (long)sliderValue[1] << 8 | (long)sliderValue[2]; // LEFT bit shifted to one r g b value
        strip_colors[1] = (long)sliderValue[3] << 16 | (long)sliderValue[4] << 8 | (long)sliderValue[5]; // RIGHT bit shifted to one r g b value
        post_frame();           //Push the current color array to the strip

      }else {
        // we are in hsb mode
        ledShield.goToHSB(ledOut1, ledOut2, ledOut3);
         //small LED
        // left slider
        convertHSBtoRGB((byte)sliderValue[0], (byte)sliderValue[1], (byte)sliderValue[2],rgbArray);
        strip_colors[0] = (long)rgbArray[0] << 16 | (long)rgbArray[1] << 8 | (long)rgbArray[2];
        // right slider
        convertHSBtoRGB((byte)sliderValue[3], (byte)sliderValue[4], (byte)sliderValue[5],rgbArray);
        strip_colors[1] = (long)rgbArray[0] << 16 | (long)rgbArray[1] << 8 | (long)rgbArray[2];

//Takes the current strip color array and pushes it out
void post_frame (void) {
  //Each LED requires 24 bits of data
  //MSB: R7, R6, R5..., G7, G6..., B7, B6... B0
  //Once the 24 bits have been delivered, the IC immediately relays these bits to its neighbor
  //Pulling the clock low for 500us or more causes the IC to post the data.

  for(int LED_number = 0 ; LED_number < STRIP_LENGTH ; LED_number++) {
    long this_led_color = strip_colors[LED_number]; //24 bits of color data

    for(byte color_bit = 23 ; color_bit != 255 ; color_bit--) {
      //Feed color bit 23 first (red data MSB)

      digitalWrite(CKI, LOW); //Only change data when clock is low

      long mask = 1L << color_bit;
      //The 1'L' forces the 1 to start as a 32 bit number, otherwise it defaults to 16-bit.

      if(this_led_color & mask)
        digitalWrite(SDI, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(SDI, LOW);

      digitalWrite(CKI, HIGH); //Data is latched when clock goes high

  //Pull clock low to put strip into reset/post mode
  digitalWrite(CKI, LOW);
  delayMicroseconds(500); //Wait for 500us to go into reset

void convertHSBtoRGB(byte h, byte s, byte b, byte rgbData[]){

  if ( s == 0 ){
    rgbData[0] = rgbData[1] = rgbData[2] = b;
  else {
    int i = ((unsigned int)h * 6) / 256;
    int f = ((unsigned int)h * 6) % 256;

    int p = ((unsigned int)b * (255 - (unsigned int)s)) / 256;
    int q = ((unsigned int)b * (255 - ((unsigned int)s * f) / 256)) / 256;
    int t = ((unsigned int)b * (255 - ((unsigned int)s * (255 - f)) / 256)) / 256;

    if      ( i == 0 ) {
      rgbData[0] = b ;
      rgbData[1] = t ;
      rgbData[2] = p;
    } // 0   deg (r)   to 60  deg (r+g)
    else if ( i == 1 ) {
      rgbData[0] = q ;
      rgbData[1] = b ;
      rgbData[2] = p;
    } // 60  deg (r+g) to 120 deg (g)
    else if ( i == 2 ) {
      rgbData[0] = p ;
      rgbData[1] = b ;
      rgbData[2] = t;
    } // 120 deg (g)   to 180 deg (g+b)
    else if ( i == 3 ) {
      rgbData[0] = p ;
      rgbData[1] = q ;
      rgbData[2] = b;
    } // 180 deg (g+b) to 240 deg (b)
    else if ( i == 4 ) {
      rgbData[0] = t ;
      rgbData[1] = p ;
      rgbData[2] = b;
    } // 240 deg (b)   to 300 deg (b+r)
    else               {
      rgbData[0] = b ;
      rgbData[1] = p ;
      rgbData[2] = q;
    } // 300 deg (b+r) to 0   deg (r)

 // LCD
void writeToLCD(int _mode, int _channel1, int _channel2, int _channel3)