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Blog-Thema: Playfull interactions for children exploring their world

Methodology: Analog Prototypes

For my project I will focus on a target group of children in the age between five and around eight years. This is normally the time when they are in a stage between kindergarten and primary school. The special thing about this age-group is, that they are able to understand more complex subjects as well…

In the field: Observating children playing with the prototypes

Video was used to record the interactions of the children and the objects. The children I was observing were boys between 5 and 7 years old.

Analysis: What I’ve learned from the children

The results of the test with the objects could be seen from two different angles. First there are the objects themselves, which were used and explored by the children. This insights of how the children used the objects gave me insights about the objects themselves. Second there where actions around the objects which aren’t obvious…

Insights: Precis of the insights and further steps

1. Insights Through utilizing “Analog Prototypes” it was possible for me to proof first theoretical and conceptional assumptions. Also this prototypes were very good to get insights about how children interact with objects, how they approach them how they integrate them into their play. Besides the conceptional findings which could be applied to the design…