8. November 2010
just a nice form using vertex. This was one of the first exercises:size(600,600); // def. fenstergroesse background(255); // def. hintergrundfarbe smooth(); // aktiviere antialiasing strokeWeight(1); // linienbreite float a = 0.0; float inc = TWO_PI/100.0; float x = 100.0; float y = 100.0; float al =255.0; stroke(100,100,0,255); beginShape(); vertex(x,y); for(int i=0; i<2000;i++) { stroke(0,0,0,al); vertex(x+=(sin(a)*5*cos(a)*6)+0.1,y+=(cos(a)*5+0.1)); a+=inc; al-=0.1; } endShape();And here a picture: