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Interactive Permutations – Wiimote

6. Januar 2011

I used the Nintendo Wiimote controller to make a more performance-like version of my permutations. There are several ways of implementing this -also depending on your OS (Mac/PC).
FYI: because of fast phase shifting, the youtube video is not 100%
reflecting the actual performance correctly.

This is a very good link explaining how it works: http://designencounters.blogspot.com/2010/07/using-wiimote-with-processing.html. I didn't manage to make the Wrj4p5 version to work so I used GlovePie. Here is how I made this work in my case: - GlovePie using OSC (Open Source Controll, which is an IP based messaging protocol) code. GlovePie has already a OSC implementation. - for OSC in Processing I used the following library: http://www.sojamo.de/libraries/oscP5/index.html - that's it! Here is the code in a zip file. Included is the OSC code as well as the GlovePie code file. You also need to download GlovePie. I used the fullscreen lib, which can be found here or you can just comment it out. If you plan on trying it out with my code, here is the wii-mote user manual: left/right: rotate symbols A: crossfade background color (depends on pitch position) plus/minus: increase/decrease mount of symbols 1: inner-circle rotation 2: switch through several symmetry presets home: start/stop symbol color animation B: phase shifting / animation up/down: increase phase shifting speed wiimote pitch: change symbol color (A-button is dependant of the pitch)