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motion tracking Opencv Game

März 5, 2012

import hypermedia.video.*;          

OpenCV opencv;                      
PImage movementImg, castle, dude1, dude2;                 
int poppedBubbles;                  
ArrayList bubbles;  
int c1 =0;
int c2 =0;
int h1 = 395;
int h2 = 395;
PImage [] PNG = new PImage[3];
PFont font;  
int zufall;

void setup()
  size ( 640, 480 );                      
  opencv = new OpenCV( this );            
  opencv.capture( 640, 480 );             
  movementImg = new PImage( 640, 480 );   
  poppedBubbles = 0;                     

  bubbles = new ArrayList();
  castle= loadImage("castel.png");
  dude1 = loadImage("dude1.png");
  dude2 = loadImage("dude2.png");

  PNG[0]= loadImage("mario.png");
  PNG[1]= loadImage("luigi.png");
  PNG[2]= loadImage("yoshi.png");  
  font = loadFont("Serif-48.vlw");        
  textFont(font, 20);

void draw()
  int m = int(random(PNG.length));
  zufall = int(random(20, 70));
  bubbles.add(new Bubble(PNG[m], (int)random( 0, width-40), -PNG[m].height, zufall, zufall));  
  //bubbles.add(new Bubble( "bubble2.png",(int)random( 0, width - 40), -PNG2.height, PNG2.width, PNG2.height));   
  image( opencv.image(), 0, 0 );              

  opencv.blur(OpenCV.BLUR, 3);                
  movementImg = opencv.image();              

  for ( int i = 0; i < bubbles.size(); i++ ) {

    Bubble _bubble = (Bubble) bubbles.get(i);    
    if (_bubble.update() == 1) {                  
      _bubble = null;                           
    else {      
      bubbles.set(i, _bubble);                  
      _bubble = null;

  opencv.remember(OpenCV.SOURCE, OpenCV.FLIP_HORIZONTAL);   

  if (c1 < 630) {
  else {
    c1 = 0;
    h1 = 395;
  if (c2 > 0) {
  else {
    c2 = 660;
    h2 = 395;
  //drawing the clouds on the screen with moving variables
  image(dude2, c1, h1);
  image(dude1, c2, h2);
  image(castle, 0, 455, width, 33);
  text( poppedBubbles, 15, height-5);

Class: Bubble
class Bubble

  int bubbleX, bubbleY, bubbleWidth, bubbleHeight;    //  Some variables to hold information about the bubble
  boolean richtung = false;
  int counter = 0;
  PImage PNGB;

  Bubble (PImage bpgn, int bX, int bY, int bW, int bH )           //  The class constructor- sets the values when a new bubble object is made
    PNGB = bpgn;
    bubbleX = bX;
    bubbleY = bY;
    bubbleWidth = bW;
    bubbleHeight = bH;

  int update()      //   The Bubble update function
    int movementAmount;          
    movementAmount = 0;

    for ( int y = bubbleY; y < (bubbleY + (bubbleHeight-1)); y++ ) {    
      for ( int x = bubbleX; x < (bubbleX + (bubbleWidth-1)); x++ ) {

        if ( x < width && x > 0 && y < height && y > 0 ) {             
          if (brightness(movementImg.pixels[x + (y * width)]) > 127) 

    if (movementAmount > 15)               
      return 1;
      bubbleY += random(3, 12);
      if (bubbleY > height)              
        return 1;
      image(PNGB, bubbleX, bubbleY,bubbleWidth,bubbleHeight);   
      return 0;