Our workshop will always be take place from 9
th of April – 10
th of May from Tuesday to Friday
( 5 Weeks) Normally our course starts at 9.15 and ends at 16.30 in Room SQ5.
Exception: Monday 17.
th to Tuesday 18.
th of April: We will visit the Cereneo in Vitznau and stay there overnight
The full calendar can be found
1. Week - INTO THE WILD!
Observation and Analysis: Field research
Methods: direct and participatory observation, video ethnography, interviews, questionnaires, photography, cultural probes etc.
Organisation of collected data and presentation of findings. Methods: task analysis, use of the space analysis, transcription and analysis of the interviews, qualitative data analysis etc.
2. Week - IDEAS BLOOM…
Idea Generation
Ideation of many new interaction ideas. Methods: sketching, bodystorming, brainstorming, participatory user methods, mock-ups, extreme characters etc.
3. Week - FAKE IT!
Evaluation and Concept Iteration
Testing your ideas through an iterative process. Methods: user testing with prototypes (in or out of the real context of use), acting out an experience, participatory methods, etc.
4. Week - ITERATE!
5. Week - CONVINCE!
Presentation: Video Prototype
Communication of a convincing concept. Methods: video scenario, storyboard, working prototype, mock-ups, presentation of design process etc.