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Aufgabe 00: Schritt für Schritt

25. September 2012

Mit den Knöpfen links und rechts lässt sich der Regler bedienen (einmaliges drücken oder daraufbleiben). Durch gleichzeitige Klicken der beiden Knöpfe wird in den Game Modus gewechselt. main.ino #include #define BUTTON_UP_PIN 3 #define BUTTON_DOWN_PIN 2 #define LATCH_PIN 8 //Pin zu ST_CP vom 74HC595 #define CLOCK_PIN 10 //12 //Pin zu SH_CP vom 74HC595 #define DATA_PIN 9 //11 //Pin zu DS vom 74HC595 #define PIN_9 12 #define PIN_10 13 /*** Global Variables ***/ int level = 0; unsigned long currentMillis; unsigned long previousMillis; int remoteMode = true; //true is remote mode, false is game mode int buttonDownState = LOW; int buttonUpState = LOW; long buttonDownMillis = 0; long buttonUpMillis = 0; /*** Game Variables ***/ int counter = 0; bool forward = true; int scope = 0; int wins = 0; /* Config */ long speedMillis = 125; long speedStepMillis = 25; long buttonStateMillisGame = 50; /*** Config ***/ long buttonStateMillis = 150; /*** Config end ***/ void setup() { pinMode(BUTTON_UP_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(BUTTON_DOWN_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(LATCH_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(CLOCK_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(DATA_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(PIN_9, OUTPUT); pinMode(PIN_10, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { if(remoteMode == true) { readInput(); drawLevels(); } else { currentMillis = millis(); if(currentMillis - previousMillis > (speedMillis - (speedStepMillis * wins))) { previousMillis = currentMillis; registerWrite(counter, HIGH); // Entsprechende LED anmachen count(); } checkButtonStates(); } } void readInput() { buttonDownState = digitalRead(BUTTON_DOWN_PIN); buttonUpState = digitalRead(BUTTON_UP_PIN); currentMillis = millis(); if(buttonDownState == HIGH && buttonUpState == HIGH) { switchMode(); } else if(buttonDownState == HIGH) { if(buttonDownMillis == 0) buttonDownMillis = currentMillis; if(level > 0) { if(currentMillis - buttonDownMillis > buttonStateMillis) { level--; buttonDownMillis = 0; } } } else if(buttonUpState == HIGH) { if(buttonUpMillis == 0) buttonUpMillis = currentMillis; if(level < 9) { if(currentMillis - buttonUpMillis > buttonStateMillis) { level++; buttonUpMillis = 0; } } } } void drawLevels() { byte bitsToSend = 0; digitalWrite(LATCH_PIN, LOW); for(int i = 0; i if(i < 8) bitWrite(bitsToSend, i, HIGH); else if(i == 8) digitalWrite(PIN_9, HIGH); else if(i == 9) digitalWrite(PIN_10, HIGH); } shiftOut(DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, MSBFIRST, bitsToSend); digitalWrite(LATCH_PIN, HIGH); if(level < 9) digitalWrite(PIN_10, LOW); if(level < 8) digitalWrite(PIN_9, LOW); } void switchMode() { int bitsToSend; int state; if(remoteMode == true) remoteMode = false; else remoteMode = true; /*** Blink when changing mode ***/ for(int i = 0; i if(i % 2 == 0) { bitsToSend = 255; state = HIGH; } else { bitsToSend = 0; state = LOW; } digitalWrite(LATCH_PIN, LOW); shiftOut(DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, MSBFIRST, bitsToSend); digitalWrite(PIN_9, state); digitalWrite(PIN_10, state); digitalWrite(LATCH_PIN, HIGH); delay(buttonStateMillis); } } game.ino void registerWrite(int _whichPin, int _whichState) { if(_whichPin > 7) { if(_whichPin == 8) { digitalWrite(PIN_9, HIGH); digitalWrite(PIN_10, LOW); } else { digitalWrite(PIN_10, HIGH); digitalWrite(PIN_9, LOW); } _whichPin = 1; _whichState = 0; } else { digitalWrite(PIN_10, LOW); digitalWrite(PIN_9, LOW); } byte bitsToSend = 0; // Dieses Byte hat acht Bits also: 00000000 digitalWrite(LATCH_PIN, LOW); bitWrite(bitsToSend, _whichPin, _whichState); // Hier wird das entsprechende Bit im Byte gesetzt (z.B. 00100000) shiftOut(DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, MSBFIRST, bitsToSend); digitalWrite(LATCH_PIN, HIGH); } void win(int _scope) { byte bitsToSend; if((scope == 2 && _scope == 1) || (scope == 1 && _scope == 2)) { bitsToSend = B11111111; digitalWrite(PIN_9, HIGH); digitalWrite(PIN_10, HIGH); scope = 0; wins++; } else if (_scope == 1) { bitsToSend = B00011111; scope = 1; } else if (_scope == 2) { bitsToSend = B11100000; digitalWrite(PIN_9, HIGH); digitalWrite(PIN_10, HIGH); scope = 2; } digitalWrite(LATCH_PIN, LOW); shiftOut(DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, MSBFIRST, bitsToSend); digitalWrite(LATCH_PIN, HIGH); delay(speedMillis * 2); if(wins == 6) { delay(20000); wins = 0; } registerWrite(1, 0); digitalWrite(PIN_9, LOW); digitalWrite(PIN_10, LOW); } void checkButtonStates() { buttonDownState = digitalRead(BUTTON_DOWN_PIN); buttonUpState = digitalRead(BUTTON_UP_PIN); currentMillis = millis(); if(buttonDownState == HIGH && buttonUpState == HIGH) { switchMode(); } if(buttonDownState == HIGH && buttonUpState == LOW) { if(buttonDownMillis == 0) buttonDownMillis = currentMillis; if(counter == 0) { if(currentMillis - buttonDownMillis < buttonStateMillisGame - (5 * wins)) { win(1); } } else { if(wins > 0) wins--; } } else { buttonDownMillis = 0; } if(buttonUpState == HIGH && buttonDownState == LOW) { if(buttonUpMillis == 0) buttonUpMillis = currentMillis; if(counter == 9) { if(currentMillis - buttonUpMillis < buttonStateMillisGame - (5 * wins)) { win(2); } } else { if(wins > 0) wins--; } } else { buttonUpMillis = 0; } } void count() { if(counter >= 9) forward = false; else if(counter if(forward == true) counter++; else counter--; }