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2. März 2013

Compo3000 ist ein haptisches Kompositionstool. An der Schnur können verschiedene Kügelchen platziert werden. Zieht man an der Schnur, wird diese eingezogen. Jedes mal wenn eine Kugel im Compo verschwindet ertönt ein Klang. Das ganze könnte man auf mehrere Schnüre Skalieren. So, dass man Notenlinien bespielen könnte. chischtli compo_top cut_compo_bschaltplan_compo3000_d compo3000_final_cut_hoch [Konvertiert] compo3000_final_cut_breit [Konvertiert]   compo processing code import themidibus.*; MidiBus myBus; // The MidiBus import processing.serial.*; // Import the Processing Serial Library for communicating with arduino Serial myPort; // The used Serial Port int lichtWert; // fourthValue, fifthValue, ... // add more if needed boolean firstPlay = false; int channel = 1; int pitch = 100; int velocity = 200; int lichtKugel = 20; int lichtSchnur = 30; void setup() { size(500, 500); println(Serial.list()); // Prints the list of serial available devices (Arduino should be on top of the list) myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600); // Open a new port and connect with Arduino at 9600 baud myBus = new MidiBus(this, -1, "Java Sound Synthesizer"); // Create a new MidiBus with no input device and the default Java Sound Synthesizer as the output device. } void draw() { println(lichtWert); if (lichtWert < lichtKugel && firstPlay == false)//lichtwert bei kugel innen { myBus.sendNoteOn(channel, pitch++, velocity); // Send a Midi noteOn delay(200); myBus.sendNoteOff(channel, pitch, velocity); // Send a Midi nodeOff firstPlay = true; } if (lichtWert>lichtSchnur) { firstPlay = false; } } void serialEvent(Serial myPort) // Is called everytime there is new data to read { if (myPort.available() > 0) { String completeString = myPort.readStringUntil(10); // Read the Serial port until there is a linefeed/carriage return if (completeString != null) // If there is valid data insode the String { trim(completeString); // Remove whitespace characters at the beginning and end of the string String seperateValues[] = split(completeString, ","); // Split the string everytime a delimiter is received lichtWert = int(seperateValues[0]); } } } _   compo arduino code   /* Stepper Motor Control with a pull-switch + triggering sounds with a light sensor through mulab Oliver Kalbermatter 20fucking13 */ //sensor-sound part #define FIRST_PIN A5 // Define the Analog Pins add more if needed #define SECOND_PIN 1 //servo part int stepCounter = 0; // Counter zurücksetzen int cancelCounter = 20; // länge des Einzugs boolean motorMove = 0; const int switchPin = 2; // the number of the pushbutton pin #include <Stepper.h> int switchState = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutto int lastswitchState = HIGH; int firstValue; //secondValue; // Define Variables to store the analog Values const int stepsPerRevolution = 200; // change this to fit the number of steps per revolution // initialize the stepper library on pins 8 through 11: Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, 8,9,10,11); // void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); //Open the Serial Port with baudrate set to 9600 (talk to processing) pinMode(switchPin, INPUT); // set the speed at 60 rpm: myStepper.setSpeed(20); // initialize the serial port: Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { //sound-sensor part firstValue = analogRead(FIRST_PIN); // Read the first PIN //secondValue = analogRead(SECOND_PIN); // Read the second PIN Serial.print(firstValue); // Send the first Value Serial.print(','); // Send a delimiter // Serial.print(secondValue); // Send second Value //Serial.print(','); // Send a delimiter Serial.println(); // Send a carriage-return //servo part switchState = digitalRead(switchPin);//switchState wird mit den Werten vom Pin geladen (High/Low) if (switchState != lastswitchState) { Serial.println("switching"); //der switch wurde betätigt motorMove = true; // stepper aktivieren } if (motorMove == true); { if(stepCounter < cancelCounter) { myStepper.step(1); stepCounter ++; } else { Serial.println("stopping");// die Spule hält an stepCounter = 0; motorMove = false; } } lastswitchState = switchState; }