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“Dear Diary”

"Die Faszination am Interaction Design ist, den Zugang zur digitalen Welt für jedermann so einfach wie möglich zu gestalten"

When I read this sentence in the web page from Thomas Jakob,  I began to think seriously to study a Master in Interaction Design. Now I am discovering my own fascination through this project. This "Diary" will contain this experience in a form of pictures, questions, comments in lessons or chats without telling a lineal story.

Resume of workshops and seminars

- 05. - 09. 03. Forschungsorientierte Projektentwicklung (Stefano Vannotti, Franziska Nyffenegger, Björn Franke)

- 28. & 29 .02. Designspace Workshop (Gerhard M. Buurman)

Possible Contacts:


The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)