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Blog-Thema: Lektionen

Erste Gehversuche: Smileys zeichnen

Der Einstieg in das IAD-Studium erfolgte mit Basics zur Programmiersprache Processing.

Processing, erster Tag seit mehreren Monaten

Es sind ein paar Monate vergangen seitdem ich Processing das letzte Mal öffnete, das den Eindruck einer zum experimentieren gut geeigneten, jedoch nicht so performanten Sprache hinterliess. Nach Resonanz, einem Livemusikvisualisierungstool, steckte ich noch etwas Arbeit in eine webcambasierte Farbtrackingsoftware, die über OSC verarbeitete Daten an andere Software weitergeben konnte. Da ich also bereits etwas…

Interactive Permutations – Wiimote

I used the Nintendo Wiimote controller to make a more performance-like version of my permutations. There are several ways of implementing this -also depending on your OS (Mac/PC). FYI: because of fast phase shifting, the youtube video is not 100% reflecting the actual performance correctly. This is a very good link explaining how it works:…

Interactive Permutations v2

I’ve changed the circles in this one. Also, you can increase the amounts of circles by using the mouse wheel. The main class: And here is my symbol class:

Flow Chart (Flussdiagramm)

Two examples of a flow chart showing general actions: this one shows the detection of a double click from lesson 6 this one shows a recursive action from the the fractal lesson

Some Sliders, Checkboxes and a Doubleclick

some sliders, checkboxes and an animated doubleclick

I designed my sliders with scalable (length and height) bezier curves. The nob adapts and grows in length and width depending on the slider value. They also have a glowing mouse-over function. The checkbox is a actually a ‘checkcircle’. it glows when rolled-over and fills with a color when pressed. optionally, one can get a…

A Graphical Representation of Time

Based on the spiral-formula, I created a purely graphical, somewhat abstract representation of time.

Dandelion-like Fractals

My goal was to create a dandelion-like (pusteblumen-ähnliche) fractals. I came up with the idea of using all kinds of spirals. Some spirals shown are variations, with different parameters and are itself recursive: each spiral dot can call a new spiral etc.

Lesson 6 – PVector

2-click detectable start and stop point

I edited the patch by adding a start click without starting the animation -not before clicking the end point.

Tag 4 // Lektion 7 // tic tac tic tac

Ladies and Gents, may I present you my watch: