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28. and 29.02.2012 | Designspace Workshop

März 12, 2012

Tutor: Gerhard M. Buurman Date: 28. & 29.02.2012


After presenting the general concept of my project: "Monitoring of Woman’s Body I am beginning to break my project in 5 groups: "Motivations", " Questions", "Problems", "Future" and "New Problems".

The green color represent the milestone of the concept's develop.

In the workshop, we discuss about the impact of our ideas/product/services as a designers: WHAT CAN I DO AS A DESIGNER TO GIVE THE FEELING TO THE PEOPLE THAT THEY CAN CHANGE SOMETHING... this sentence take my view to another perspectives.

The next step in the workshop is to considerate the vision and the research question as an essence of the project. RESEARCH QUESTION: How can I improve the quality of woman's life through the knowledge of their own hormone cycle? VISION: Woman have the possibility to influence in their own hormonal system to improve the quality of live and understand of their self acting.

The importance of "ME" as a woman is increasing. My self as a generator of information (= source). This information flows into a system which muss interpreted and change in a understandable way for "ME".

I defined that the information muss be obtained with a SYSTEM which is NON INVASIVE, PERMANENT and EASY TO USE.