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Blog-Thema: Workshops and Seminars

Processing workshop

Before Easter we had a two week workshop where we were introduced to Arduino, Kinect and how you can work with Processing. For me I found it very fun to work with the arduino board and go back to the basics of electronics. It was rewarding to program a code and get an instant physical…

Research through design

Last week we had research based project developing where we learned about different methodologies regarding how to conduct research. Bruce Archer defines in “The Nature of Research” research in the science tradition: produce explanations that have enduring validty research in the humanities tradition: present findings generalisable within a given context research through practioner action: a…

Idea Sketch

Synopsis This master thesis answers the question, how the visual and functional design of an application for the exploration, evaluation and communication of personal financial information needs to be to give the user access to the contained information. The access to transparent information is, due to its’ complexity, not sufficient to foster a more critical…

Rechercheübung für Infomarkt

– Keywords: Hormone, influence, hormonal interaction – Questions: What is hormones? How do the hormones work? | Resource                                | Keyword | Result (Title, Links) | Evaluation, usefulness | | Institutes, organizations | | Libraries, Catalogs            | | Professional database      | | E-Magazine                           | | Press database              …

28. and 29.02.2012 | Designspace Workshop

Tutor: Gerhard M. Buurman Date: 28. & 29.02.2012 Resume After presenting the general concept of my project: “Monitoring of Woman’s Body I am beginning to break my project in 5 groups: “Motivations”, ” Questions”, “Problems”, “Future” and “New Problems”. The green color represent the milestone of the concept’s develop. In the workshop, we discuss about…

09.03.2012 | Workshop-Projektentwicklung

Tutors: Stefano Vannotti | Franziska Nyffenegger | Björn Franke Date: 05.-09.03.2012 Resume One important decision to consider in this workshop is the type of the master. I need to decide between type A or B. I go for type A: “Gestaltung von Produkten, Prozessen, Informationen, Ereignissen, welche in reale oder zukünftige Kontexte eingebettet sind. Die…