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ZHdK – Räume der Aufmerksamkeit Project LINK Forsythe – Motion Bank Project LINK YCAM – Awareness in Motion Project LINK


Jonathan Crary, 2001, Suspensions of Perception: Attention, Spectacle, and Modern Culture, MIT Press. Zygmunt Bauman, 2000, Liquid Modernity, Polity


Judith Butler, 2011, Bodies in Alliance and the Politics of the Street. LINK Karmen Franinovic, 2010, “Architecting Play”, Journal of AI & Society - Special issue on Poetic and Speculative Architectures in Public Space. Vol 26.2. Ed. Sha Xin Wei. Karmen Franinovic, 2005 ”Behavioural spaces, designing for the social and sensorial ecologies in public spaces”, in Theatre, Dans, Etcetera (96), pp. 22-30. Belgium. Maja Kuzmanovic and Nik Gaffney, 2005 Human-scale systems in responsive environments. IEEE Multimed 12(1):8–13 Marcel Mauss, 1934 The technology of the body. In: Kwinter S , Crary J (eds.) (1992) Incorporations, Zone, New York, pp 455–477 Jonathan Sterne, 2006 Urban media and the politics of sound space. In: OPEN sound: the importance of the auditory in art and the public domain, (9) (Fall 2005) pp 6–15


Meditation – Aufmerksamkeit im Hier und Jetzt Aufmerksamkeit im Netz – Leseverhalten im digitalen Zeitalter