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11 Gestensteuerung



1.Fügt dem Arduino Sketch in welchem ihr den MMA7455 auslest eine Funktion hinzu, welche die Werte glättet. Material: MMA7455 Breakout 2.Übergebt die Werte des Sensors an Processing Material: MMA7455 Breakout 3.Visualisiert die Werte des Sensors in Processing – zunächst nur als Liniengrafik Material: MMA7455 Breakout 4.Erstellt eine Figur in Processing, welche auf eure Gesten reagiert Material: MMA7455 Breakout 5.Erstellt eine Funktion, die ermittelt, welche Seite des Sensors zur Zeit Oben liegt. Material: MMA7455 Breakout
import processing.serial.*;  // Import the Processing Serial Library for communicating with arduino
Serial myPort;               // The used Serial Port

int xVal, yVal, zVal; // fourthValue, fifthValue, ... // add more if needed
int xPosition = 0;
float xRotation, yRotation;

void setup()
  size(500, 500, P3D);
  println(Serial.list()); // Prints the list of serial available devices (Arduino should be on top of the list)
  myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600); // Open a new port and connect with Arduino at 9600 baud

void draw()
  translate(width/2, height/2);
  float xValCorrected = float(xVal)/64;
  float yValCorrected = float(yVal)/64;
  float zValCorrected = float(zVal)/64;
  //float xRotation = atan((xValCorrected)/(sqrt(sq(yValCorrected)+sq(zValCorrected))));
  //float yRotation = atan((yValCorrected)/(sqrt(sq(xValCorrected)+sq(zValCorrected))));
    xRotation = radians(map(xVal, -64, 64, 0, 180));
    yRotation = radians(map(yVal, -64, 64, 180, 0));
    xRotation = radians(map(xVal, -64, 64, 180, 0));
    yRotation = radians(map(yVal, -64, 64, 0, 180));


void serialEvent(Serial myPort) // Is called everytime there is new data to read
  if (myPort.available() > 0)
    String completeString = myPort.readStringUntil(10); // Read the Serial port until there is a linefeed/carriage return
    if (completeString != null) // If there is valid data insode the String
      trim(completeString); // Remove whitespace characters at the beginning and end of the string
      String seperateValues[] = split(completeString, "\t"); // Split the string everytime a delimiter is received
      xVal = int(seperateValues[0]);
      yVal = int(seperateValues[1]);
      zVal = int(seperateValues[2]);


Beispiel auf bildr.com Beispiel auf der ITP Website App Note Freescale