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11 Beschleunigungssensor

22. November 2011


3.Visualisiert die Werte des Sensors in Processing – zunächst nur als Liniengrafik Material: MMA7455 Breakout 5.Erstellt eine Funktion, die ermittelt, welche Seite des Sensors zur Zeit Oben liegt. Material: MMA7455 Breakout Eine Karton-Box wurde mit einem Bewegungssensor und einem Vibrationselement ausgerüstet. Damit wird in jeder Lage ein unterschiedliches Vibrationsfeedback ausgegeben. Arduino
#include  //Include the Wire library
#include  //Include the MMA_7455 library
#define BUFFER_SIZE 20 // actual size of the buffer for integer values: (numberOfValsToRead*6)+(numberOfValsToRead-1)

const int MOTOR = 11;

MMA_7455 mySensor = MMA_7455(); //Make an instance of MMA_7455

char xVal, yVal, zVal; //Variables for the values from the sensor

char incommingBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; // buffer to store incomming values
char incomming; // primary buffer to store single incommning bytes
int incommingCounter = 0; // counter for counting the positions inside the buffer

int firstValue, secondValue, thirdValue; // fourthValue, fifthValue, ... // add more if needed

void setup()
  // Set the sensitivity you want to use
  // 2 = 2g, 4 = 4g, 8 = 8g
  // Calibrate the Offset, that values corespond in
  // flat position to: xVal = -30, yVal = -20, zVal = +20
  // !!!Activate this after having the first values read out!!!
  mySensor.calibrateOffset(14, 25, 0);

  pinMode(MOTOR, OUTPUT);

void readSerial()
    incomming = Serial.read(); // read single incommning bytes

    if(incomming != '\r') //if no carriage return is received proceed in reading the serial port
      incommingBuffer[incommingCounter++] = incomming; // go on the next position in the buffer
    else //read until a carriage ('\r') is received
      incommingBuffer[incommingCounter] = '\0'; // set the last byte to NULL to sign it for the string operators

      char *a = strtok(incommingBuffer, ","); // split the string after delimiters into tokens
      //char *b = strtok(NULL, ","); // ...
      //char *c = strtok(NULL, ","); // ...
      //char *d = strtok(NULL, ",.;"); // add another line if needed

      firstValue = atoi(a); // convert the strings into integers
      //secondValue = atoi(b); // ...
      //thirdValue = atoi(c); // ...
      //fourthValue = atoi(d); // add another line if needed

      incommingCounter = 0; // reset the counter
      memset(incommingBuffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); //overwrite the incommingBuffer

void loop()
  xVal = mySensor.readAxis('x'); //Read out the 'x' Axis
  yVal = mySensor.readAxis('y'); //Read out the 'y' Axis
  zVal = mySensor.readAxis('z'); //Read out the 'z' Axis

  Serial.print(xVal, DEC);
  Serial.print(yVal, DEC);
  Serial.println(zVal, DEC);

  analogWrite(MOTOR, firstValue);

import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort;

int xVal, yVal, zVal;

void setup() {
  size(500, 500, P3D);
  myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);

void draw() {
  translate(width/2, height/2);
  rotateX(radians(map(xVal, -64, 64, 0, 180)));
  rotateY(radians(map(yVal, -64, 64, 0, 180)));

  float triggerPositive = 0.8;
  float triggerNegative = 0.2;

  float xValCorrected = float(xVal)/64;
  float yValCorrected = float(yVal)/64;
  float zValCorrected = float(zVal)/64;

  println(xValCorrected +"," +yValCorrected +"," +zValCorrected);

  if (xValCorrectedtriggerPositive) {
    println("SEITE 1");
  else if (xValCorrectedtriggerPositive && zValCorrected    myPort.write("200\r");
    println("SEITE 2");
  else if (xValCorrected    myPort.write("150\r");
    println("SEITE 3");
  else if (xValCorrectedtriggerPositive && yValCorrected    myPort.write("255\r");
    println("SEITE 5");
  else if (xValCorrected0) {
    String completeString = myPort.readStringUntil(10);
    if (completeString !=null) {
      String seperateValues[] = split(completeString, "\t");
      xVal = int(seperateValues[0]);
      yVal = int(seperateValues[1]);
      zVal = int(seperateValues[2]);