23. November 2011
Arduino-Steuerung via Processing
Bei vorhergehenden Aufgaben haben wir bereits Daten von Arduino an Processing geschickt. Hier werden nun Daten via Serial zurück an Arduino übertragen, um elektronische Bauteile steuern zu können. Ich habe die Ampelübung nochmals aufgenommen, hier aber die drei Lichter in Processing mit einem Mouse-Over dargestellt. Wenn sich die Maus über einem der Kreise befindet, dann leuchtet die entsprechende LED auf.Arduino-Code
#define BUFFER_SIZE 20 // actual size of the buffer for integer values: (numberOfValsToRead*6)+(numberOfValsToRead-1) #define LED_PIN1 11 #define LED_PIN2 10 #define LED_PIN3 6 char incommingBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; // buffer to store incomming values char incomming; // primary buffer to store single incommning bytes int incommingCounter = 0; // counter for counting the positions inside the buffer float firstValue, secondValue, thirdValue; // fourthValue, fifthValue, ... // add more if needed void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(LED_PIN1,OUTPUT); pinMode(LED_PIN2,OUTPUT); pinMode(LED_PIN3,OUTPUT); } void readSerial() { while(Serial.available()) { incomming = Serial.read(); // read single incommning bytes if(incomming != '\r') //if no carriage return is received proceed in reading the serial port { incommingBuffer[incommingCounter++] = incomming; // go on the next position in the buffer } else //read until a carriage ('\r') is received { incommingBuffer[incommingCounter] = '\0'; // set the last byte to NULL to sign it for the string operators char *a = strtok(incommingBuffer, "|;"); // split the string after delimiters into tokens char *b = strtok(NULL, "|;"); // ... char *c = strtok(NULL, "|;"); // ... //char *d = strtok(NULL, ",.;"); // add another line if needed firstValue = atoi(a); // convert the strings into integers secondValue = atoi(b); // ... thirdValue = atoi(c); // ... //Serial.println("THIRD: "+thirdValue); //fourthValue = atoi(d); // add another line if needed incommingCounter = 0; // reset the counter memset(incommingBuffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); //overwrite the incommingBuffer } } } void loop() { analogWrite(LED_PIN1, firstValue); analogWrite(LED_PIN2, secondValue); analogWrite(LED_PIN3, thirdValue); readSerial(); // read the values available at the serial port /*Serial.print(firstValue); // debugging Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(secondValue); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(thirdValue); Serial.print("\t"); //Serial.print(fourthValue); // add these lines if needed Serial.println(); // send a carriage return for debugging */ }
import processing.serial.*; // Import the Processing Serial Library for communicating with arduino Serial myPort; // The used Serial Port float firstValue = 0; float secondValue = 0; float thirdValue = 0; void setup() { smooth(); background(0); size(500, 500); println(Serial.list()); // Prints the list of serial available devices (Arduino should be on top of the list) myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600); // Open a new port and connect with Arduino at 9600 baud } void draw() { // RED firstValue=0; fill(102,0,0); if (mouseOver(width/2, 100, 100/2)) { firstValue = 255; fill(255,0,0); } ellipse(width/2, 100, 100,100); // YELLOW thirdValue=0; fill(102,102,0); if (mouseOver(width/2, 250, 100/2)) { thirdValue = 255; fill(255,255,0); } ellipse(width/2, 250, 100,100); // GREEN secondValue=0; fill(0,102,0); if (mouseOver(width/2, 400, 100/2)) { secondValue = 255; fill(0,255,0); } ellipse(width/2, 400, 100,100); myPort.write(str(firstValue)); myPort.write("|"); myPort.write(str(secondValue)); myPort.write("|"); myPort.write(str(thirdValue)); myPort.write("|"); myPort.write("\r"); delay(10); } boolean mouseOver(int x, int y, int r) { //println(x+" : "+y+" : "+r); if (mouseX>x-r && mouseXy-r ) { return true; } else { return false; } }