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12.1 Blackbox: Herb in the Box

5. Dezember 2011

Diese Übung befasste sich mit dem Lagesensor, Vibrationsmotor und selbst gewählten Komponenten. Mit diesen Bauteilen galt es eine Box zu erstellen, welche auf Benutzerinteraktionen reagiert. Ich habe eine art von Blindenwürfel gemacht.

#include <Wire.h>
#include <MMA_7455.h>

#define BUFFER_SIZE 20
#define LED_PIN 11

MMA_7455 mySensor = MMA_7455();

char xVal, yVal, zVal;
char oldxVal, oldyVal, oldzVal;

char incommingBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; // buffer to store incomming values
char incomming; // primary buffer to store single incommning bytes
int incommingCounter = 0; // counter for counting the positions inside the buffer

int firstValue, secondValue, thirdValue; // fourthValue, fifthValue, ... // add more if needed

void setup()

void loop()
xVal = mySensor.readAxis('x');
xVal = (0.8*oldxVal)+(0.2*xVal);
yVal = mySensor.readAxis('y');
yVal = (0.8*oldyVal)+(0.2*yVal);
zVal = mySensor.readAxis('z');
zVal = (0.8*oldzVal)+(0.2*zVal);

Serial.print(xVal, DEC);
oldxVal = xVal;
Serial.print(yVal, DEC);
oldyVal = yVal;
Serial.print(zVal, DEC);
oldzVal = zVal;
readSerial(); // read the values available at the serial port
analogWrite(LED_PIN, firstValue);

void readSerial()
incomming = Serial.read(); // read single incommning bytes

if(incomming != '\r') //if no carriage return is received proceed in reading the serial port
incommingBuffer[incommingCounter++] = incomming; // go on the next position in the buffer
else //read until a carriage ('\r') is received
incommingBuffer[incommingCounter] = '\0'; // set the last byte to NULL to sign it for the string operators

char *a = strtok(incommingBuffer, ",.;"); // split the string after delimiters into tokens
char *b = strtok(NULL, ",.;"); // ...
char *c = strtok(NULL, ",.;"); // ...
//char *d = strtok(NULL, ",.;"); // add another line if needed

firstValue = atoi(a); // convert the strings into integers
secondValue = atoi(b); // ...
thirdValue = atoi(c); // ...
//fourthValue = atoi(d); // add another line if needed

incommingCounter = 0; // reset the counter
memset(incommingBuffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); //overwrite the incommingBuffer