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mute music_description

21. March 2011

Project Description


Deaf or Hearing Impaired Person


Expression // Communication // Integration improvement


Providing tools to manipulate, reproduce and augment physical phenomena in the same way music does with sound


User Specific Skills // User Experiences Improvement // Skills Improvement // Artefact capabilities development

What the project is not:

Music Visualization// Music Translation // I decided to get rid of the idea of pushing people into something is somehow against their nature. I dont want to bring Mozart into vibration codes, or Prokofiev into light shows. I want to take out the interactive and expressive properties of the music and bring them into a haptic and visual expressive system that allows the deaf user to discover new ways of expression. That is why I talk about mute music, literaly, making music without sound for those who cannot hear, but can see, move, touch and feel. This project is about experimentation, searching for an expressive system that is adapting to the needs and skills from specific users.