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Blog-Thema: Armin Egli


Projekt Phasen

Die Schweiz pendelt. Wir bewegen uns tagtäglich in grossen Menschenmassen des öffentlichen Verkehrs, haben aber nur Kontakt zu ganz wenigen. Was wäre, wenn wir auch Zugang zum grossen Teil hätten? Diese MA-Arbeit untersucht warum wir im Zug meist anonym bleiben und wählt eine mobile Smartphone-Applikation als Variante für einen möglichen Zugang zu Mitreisenden. In einem…

Übersicht Recherche

What Do Women Want from Mobile Apps?

What Do Women Want from Mobile Apps? Posted by Anne Giles Clelland at 8:26 AM on March 10, 2011: We’ve been working on answering that question – “What do women want from mobile apps?” – on Handshake 2.0.  We were delighted to have our work cited by iAlja in Android for girls: a new frontier.  Here’s…


Introduction Urban spaces are constantly growing whereas the countryside begins to dry out and is more used as a place to spend the free time. The phenomen that comes with this evolutionary space setting is that the more people live in a certain amount of space the more increases the anonymity between the individuals. Through…


Here I’ll write about my continuous work, thinkings, findings and reflexions…I’ll put then links to the actual process-chapters where as well doc’s and artefacts will be found…

Process and Schedule