MuLab Tutorial
(siehe auch MuLab Online Help!!)
(zuerst: Keyboard driver, setup editor, midi Monitor)
Interface controls
Connect Midi Controller (check Midi with Midi Monitor)
--> install midi editor for keyboard!
- Make sure midi interface is activated (in menu "edit" -> midi setup) and running (check using midi monitor in menu "help"
- Load MultiSampla
- Deleting instances in Rack -> Right-click on instance, DON't use delete / backspace (deletes whole rack!)
- Create Zone by drag& drop or by doubleclicking the area under the keyboard and dragging the mouse
-> If a sample can't be loaded, change format to aiff / wav and samplerate / bitrate to project rate
- Usually you should start mapping your sounds starting with the lowest midi note value: C-2, / decimal value "0"
- Save Multisample / Save Multisampla presets (stored in Applications/MuLab/User/Library, rename multisample, rename -> IMPORTANT FOR IDENTIFICATION
- Configure Loop (Loopmodes): Start of playback, start of loop and end of loop. Usually "alternating" is the best mode
- Create a Midi Mapped Controller (e.g. transpose): Right-click on interface (knob, slider) and select "map controller"
- there are also LFO and envelope generators in MultiSampla, e.g. for ASDR curves for the amp (e.g. to create a smooth fadeout at the end of a loop)
- if you want to ensure a sound gets played always at the same volume, regardless of key press velocity: go to mutlisampler > adjust "velocity response" to 0%
- Plug effects after sound generators, and map controllers in the same fashion as for multisampla
- Use mapping overview (in menu "edit") for overview
- Possibility to send audio to other channels (send instance in rack, after an audio generator)
- need for using several racks: independent controls / different version of same sample, etc.
-> insert "send" to next rack BEFORE sound generating instance in rack (this sends midi events, otherwise it would send audio)
-> edit focus midi map to force rack 1 (in menu "edit")
- Einschränkung mit Gebrauch von Synthesizer: spielt auf jeder Taste, kein key mapping möglich.
- be careful: the undo funcrtion is quite unreliable / useless in mulab -about the only serious design flaw!
- if using the filter in teh multisampla, make sure "key tracking" is set to zero in the submenu of the filter
- you can limit parameter ranges for midi mapped controllers