Schedule 2014
7. 10.
- 9.30: Introduction to goals and methods of user research
- 10-12: Student presentations
- 13-17: free work
8. 10.
9. 10.
10. 10.
14. 10.
Schedule 2012
25. 09. 2012.
- 9-12: Introduction to goals and methods of user research, individual meetings (Lene, Benji, product)
- 13-17: free work
26. 09. 2012.
- 9-14: individual meetings (Deliverable 1, Deliverable 2) - (9.00 Marc, 9.30 Lene, 10.00 Andrea, 11,00 Guillermo, 13.30 Werner, 14.00 Jack...)
27. 09. 2012.
28. 11. 2012.
- 9-12: presentation Product Design
- 13-17: presentation Interaction Design
Schedule 2011
28. 09. 2011.
- introduction: goals and methods of user research
- presentation of student projects
- individual meetings
- 13.00 individual meetings with Product Design students
- Assignment 1: Into the Wild!
29. 09. 2011 - 30. 09. 2011.
30. 09. 2011.
06. 11. 2010.
07. 11. 2010.
- Deliverable 3: MA Questions and Design Process
- 10.00-12.00 Presentations Product MA students
- 13.00-16.00 Presentations Interaction MA students
Schedule 2010
29. 09. 2010.
- presentation of the video assignment
- identification of goals and methods of user research
- Deliverable 1: Video of Interviews/DayLos(day-in-life-of)
30. 09. 2010 - 06. 10. 2010.
06. 10. 2010.
- analysis of data collected during field research
07. 10. 2010.
- Deliverable 2: Data Analysis and Findings
- identification of specific research question
- structuring practice-based design research process
08. 10. 2010.
- Deliverable 3: MA Questions and Design Process
- 10.30-12.00 Presentation Produkt MA students
- 13.00-15.00 Presentation Interaction MA students
- 15.00-16.30 Produkt MA students