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Philip’s Page

Erlebnisorientiertes Reisen mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel GRUNDFRAGE: Wie kann die Benutzung der öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel für die Reisenden zu einem positiveren Erlebnis werden? Das übergreifende Ziel des Projekts ist, dass das Reisen mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln positiver erlebt wird, indem die Bedürfnisse und Wünsche der Reisenden besser erfüllt werden. Für dieses Projekt bedeutet der Begriff Erlebnis grundsätzlich eine bessere Erfüllung von Wünschen und Bedürfnissen der Reisenden im Bezug auf den ÖV. THEMEN Aus der Recherche des ersten Semesters habe ich die folgenden zwei Themen ausgewählt, die Potenzial für weitere Forschung haben.

Thema 1 : Wohlbefinden im Zug im Zusammenhang mit der Zukunft des Bahnpersonals

Thema 2 : Abdeckung der vielfältigen Bedürfnissen im Bezug auf das Reisen im Zug

Für die Feldforschung habe ich mich auf das zweite Thema konzentriert. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wie können die vielfältigen Bedürfnisse im Bezug auf das Reisen im Zug abgedeckt werden? HINTERGRUND Dieses Thema befasst sich mit der Vielfalt der Bedürfnisse der Reisenden im Zug und wie man diese Bedürfnisse abdecken könnte. Das öV Netzwerk ist zurzeit überlastet und die Zufriedenheit im Bereich Sitzplatzverfügbarkeit ist stark gesunken. Die SBB versucht dieses Problem zu lösen, durch die Schaffung von neuem Rollmaterial. In der Zukunft werden die Züge immer länger, um mehr Platz zu schaffen. Die Fahrgäste erwarten aber heutzutage mehr als nur eine Abdeckung des Bedürfnisses zu sitzen, sie erwarten, dass ihre weiteren Bedürfnisse auch abgedeckt werden. Die SBB und weitere Transportunternehmen müssen sich überlegen, wie man die Vielfalt der Bedürfnisse abdecken kann und nicht nur an einer Kapazitätserweiterung arbeiten. Die Leute wollen heute nicht nur eine Ruheabteilung, sie wollen auch ein Familienabteilung, Businessabteilung, und Multifunktionsabteilung. Ein Individuum hat viele unterschiedliche Wünsche und Bedürfnisse, einmal benötigt man Ruhe oder Privatsphäre, ein anders mal reist man in einer Gruppe... Der Vorteil des Zugfahrens gegenüber dem Autos ist, dass man Reisezeit als Nutzzeit brauchen kann. Das Risiko, dass dieser Aspekt des Reisens mit dem öffentlichen Verkehrs verloren geht, ist seit der Überlastung des öffentlichen Verkehrs höher geworden. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STAGE ONE : FIELD RESEARCH -  INTIAL INTERVIEWS From the first series of interviews I recieved confirmation, that the areas I identified during the first semester as areas of dissatisfaction were in reality mentioned by the users. The following areas were mentioned.
  • Preis
  • Sitzplatzangebot
  • Sauberkeit
  • Kundeninformation
  • Vandalismus
  • Sicherheit
  • Velo, Gepäck und Kinderwagen Problemen
It was useful to get an indication of what the users were in gernal dissatisfied with, but it became apparent during the first interviews that it was more useful for me to find out how users spend their time in trains. STAGE 2 - FURTHER INTERVIEWS I therefore conducted a second series of interviews, to gain a better understanding of what activities users undergo in trains and what problems they come into contact with through doing these activities. I wished to determine the different user groups and there related needs. I was also interested if there were reasons why people choose not to do certain actitives (exp. Why people didn't want to work in the train) I became aware that I wasn't looking for different user groups but instead for different behavior groups. As one user has a different range of behaviors based on the current circumtances and wishes in that moment. I determined that there are three types of behavior groups in relation to commuter behavior. Most activities undertaken by users in trains full into these three different behavior groups.



__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I next indentified three important subcategories for each of these behavioural areas. ACTIVITIES Which activites are undertaken by users that relate to each group that can be categorised into a certain behavior group. (e.g. Sleeping in the train = Rest) NEEDS / DESIRES What needs and desires are to be fufilled by each group. (e.g Need for privacy for work category) PROBLEMS What problems exist that restrict the desired behavior of the user and activities they wish to undertake. (e.g Seat layout is not suitable for working) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INFLUENCING FACTORS I also indicated influencing factors about the type of journey and how that also affects the behavior of the user and what activities the user may or may not decide to undertake. These are the following factors that affect the behavior and chose of activities in trains. -The length and type of the Journey (Kurz Strecke oder Lang Strecke)

- On shorter journey people chose mostly to relax

- On longer journey's there is more of a need to be able to work.

-The needs of the user also differentiate between morning and evening times.

- Some users expressed the desire to sleep in the morning but in the evening then socialise.

-The needs of the user differentiate between travelling during the week and at the weekend.

-One user may have different needs during the week that oppose to needs at the weekend.

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FURTHER RESEARCH / NEXT STEPS Further research is initially needed through additional interviews to determine the individual characteristics of each different behavior group. The activities, Needs and problems of each behavioral group need to further be identified.


-Untertake more interviews with open-ended questions to gain knowledge of different behaviour groups

Video Prototyping

-Presenting users with visualisations of ideal environments and compare that with the current situation.

-Feedback from these visualisations will help me to determine future design decisions for the environments?


RESEARCH QUESTION How can the the wide range of different user needs be accommodated with relation to traveling by train? Is it possible to design different environments within the train space that aid in the individual needs of the users being fufilled? Is it possible through the designing of different environments (and the creation of different atmospheres) to fufil the individual needs of each behavior group? QUESTIONS What are the necessary conditions for each activity to take place? What are the current contraints that make it not possible for users to undertake the activities they desire too? What can be added or changed to create the desired atmosphere and environment for each individual need? Is it necessary that the whole carriage is devoted to fufilling one set of needs or can there be seperate sections within a carriage to accomodate different needs? What affect would this idea have on the issue of customer satisfaction? Would it improve customer satisfaction? What affect would these „environments“ have on the experience of using public transport? Will the use of public transport become more positive through these ideas? Are their more contributing influencing factors that affect the decisions of the users? Technological Issues Technologiical and logistical factors must also be considered. What is currently technology wise feasible? What are the current limatations? What is possible to change within the existing structure? What would need to be adapted on the exisiting structure in oder for this idea is realised? What are the factors that I can or cannot directly affect? Master title? Master title also needs to be rethough!

Assignment 2 – Insights

Assignment 2 – Questions / Methods

STAGE 1 : FIELD RESEARCH Aims of Research I want to find out if my current desk research on dissatisfaction areas and what the SBB claims to be areas of dissatisfaction match up with with the customers say in reality. The aim of the field research is to give me a clearer indication of which…