Final Project
Concept Development
Address following questions when developing your concept:
1. What is the purpose of your design?
- mobile gaming, navigation, clothing
- location based services (connecting people, providing information (restaurants, bars, clubs..), ), context-aware interfaces...
2. What is the sensory experience?
- What form, shape and materials?
- What kind kind of feedback (auditory, haptic, kinetic, temperature, light …) is the most suitable and why?
3. What kind of social interaction should your design engage?
- situated technology (What is the context of use?)
- different users/personas (kids, pets, elderly, nerds, prisoners, priests …)
Prototype 1
Prototype 2
Final Deliverables
1. A working prototype
2. Documentation of project development in a form of blog. Prototypes need to be documented in video format and supported with technical diagrams.