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Blog-Thema: Allgemein

Code for Breathing Pillow

Here is the Arduino source code for the “Breathing Pillow”. We used Arduino to be able to use the pillow without any connection to a computer.

First Homevideos

We already asked some people to make very short movies of them self while they use the “lucid mind” or when they tell some stories about it. In those homevideos you can see people which had good but also bad experiences. We want to show both sides. This device can cause infections, doesn’t work if used…

Working on the Prototype

the form to cast silicon

While Dinis and Jan have been working last week on the storyboard and the location for the short movie, Julia and Lukas created the prototype. After long discussions about the design, we decided to make something small with a easy-understandeble shape. We also thought that it should cause some pain when you plug it to your head or unplug…

lucidMind Report part 1

So, the whole video-stuff takes alot of time. Just all the morning was it about to get the datas from the cameras to the pc. During the review of the files we saw that just the spoken parts take around 3min. that means, that we have to adjust our storyboard to let the movie short…

User testings

To test our prototype of the pillow, we have searched different test users and performed an interview and tests with them. We recorded them on video and took photos and notes. We asked the tester to just talk whats in their mind. The feedback we have received is basically divided into two parts. Sound: The…

Making the Movie

Prearrangements Before starting with making the movies at least one mockup of the product had to be finished and ready to deploy. For the role of the young journalist we hired a actor from the theater program at the zhdk. Filming We spent one day filming at the Uetliberg, the train, the forrest, a bedroom,…


Situation Ein junger Journalist wagt den Selbstversuch mit einem Gerät, welches angeblich erlaubt, reale Erlebnisse aufzunehmen und in die eigenen Träume einzubetten. Das Video nimmt er in Eigenregie in seiner Freizeit auf und soll nicht formal wirken . Sein persönliches Ziel ist es die Öffentlichkeit über diese Entwicklung zu informieren und seine eigenen Erfahrungen damit…

Prototype and location searching

Yesterday we had a bright discussion about the appereance of the LucidMind-Thing. We realized that it looks very clean and something of the menace from lucid dreaming is missed. After some spaced “matrix” ideas we changed the fastening at the head. Today we were creating this new appereance and looking for some good spots for…

Sound (Simon Müller)

The Sound should accompany the user during the hole process when he goes to sleep. Therefore it is a good way to have a closer look on what happen with the body during this time. Breathing and Heartbeat are reference points which can be guided from the sound to slow down. Synchronization from Sound and…


We decided to carry on working on an object that records a sleeper’s dreams by waking him up gently during the night, as a tool to keep track of them better. The object trains the aptitude of the user to recall his dreams to promote the luxury of sleeping and use the dreams as a source…