Gruppe 1: Projektdokumentation
Video Recording
And sound processing
1. Part (start - 20sec) - Mona
Laptop appearance
The sound was originally a cardboard, that was teared appart.
Eyelash limpering
The sound was originally metallic buttons that were shaked.
Writing on computer keyboard 1
The original sound we recorded from an old typewriter.
To have a pattern in a different shape for the typewriting (as we had 3 computers), we used a different sound, which we shifted timewise for the third computer:
Laptop closing - typewriter reset
The original sound was recorded from a 'typewriter reset', an action you do when reaching the end of a line.
2. Part (20sec - 40sec) - Qilei
This part includes two action sequences. One is the collaboration of head movements. The second one is finger tapping.
Sounds for head movements (21sec - 30sec) :
1) Sound for Mona's movement
It was collected and edited by Felix. The object generating the sound was a light switch. Here I didn't do any further edit because the sound file was clean and ready.
2) Sound for Felix's movement
We collected the sound on site. The idea was to have three sounds at very different frequency level. The character of Felix's movement is that it was not as frequent as Mona and Qilei and it has longer lasting time. Therefore, we decided to use a sound with clear signal but a longer tail. Sound of wine glass hitting each other fits for this role.
3) Sound for Qilei's movement
We also collected the sound on site. Felix discovered the gummiband sound which is low but also a little bouncing. Therefore, we decided to use this one.
We recorded 5 different types of sound of flipping gummiband.
Since my nodding movements were not consistent, some were strong and clear but some were slight. Therefore, I decided to use a strong and a weak record respectively.
Sounds for finger tapping (32sec - 40sec):
This sound was created by Mona in her sound library. It was a process of crashing dry leaves.
This action sequence included a set of individual tappings from each of us, group tapping and a slight finish. Therefore, I divided the original record into the pieces we could apply onto each part.
3. Part (40sec - end) - Felix
Head shaking
Recording: Paper-clips falling into a glassplate.
Head banging (Qilei)
Recording: Playing with a small paper.
Finger up (Qilei)
Recording: Tip with a sticky-tape on the table.
Arm stretching (Qilei & Mona)
Recording: Creak of a door.
Hitting on the table (Qilei & Mona)
Recording: Closing a washing machine tray with plates in it.
Crossing arms (Felix)
Recording: Crumbling some leaves.
Closing the laptops
Recording: Slamming a door.
Reaperfolder without the .mov file (ZIP)