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Rhino + Cinema 4D

11. January 2013

Bildschirmfoto 2013-01-11 um 10.50.36   Using Rhino to build 3D models turned out to be quite entertaining despite it being my first time using any sort of 3D modelling program. Rhino is quite simple to use once one has got the hang of the functions. Bildschirmfoto 2013-01-11 um 10.41.11 Bildschirmfoto 2013-01-11 um 10.40.01   Cinema 3D on the other hand has turned out to be quite the challenge. Cinema 3D is very useful when it comes to rendering, for it offers much more possibility there than in Rhino. Building things in Cinema 4D was quite challenging. Note to self: If it is for building an exact object, one should use Rhino. Cinema 4D can be used more for experimental or rendering reasons. Using Rhino to build the object and transferring it over to Cinema 4D for the texture (rendering) is optimal.