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Tag 3 + 4: Cinema 4D Modeling & Rendering

11. January 2013

The next program we were introduced to was Cinema 4D. C4D is great for rendering and animation but I personally did prefer Rhino better for modeling.

Modeling & Rendering Monster


Modeling in C4D was not as easy as in Rhino but it allowed for more flowing and organic structuring then the other.


Rendering was superb with Cinema. I enjoyed the feature of creating materials and the possibility of creating skeleton structures to animate my moster. The above rendering to 36.02 min to render, which was due to the displacement texture and global illumination.

Click here to download the monster: dino2.c4d

Rendering Lighter

Taking my design from Rhino was easy and all objects were quickly edited. I was surprised by the hyper-realism.

3LightProductStudio 3LightProductStudio2 WindowLightStudiod lighter