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Body Extension: Modeling

16. January 2013



Starting from my sketches and my paper model the basic shape for eduard were already conceptualized which I proceeded to construct in Rhino. I drew the outlines of the models from two directions but only from one side. One being form the top view and the other from the front. These two perspectives allowed me to figure out the curvature of the object and for me to create a network surface. This was done, for example with the finger holder.  The reason for drawing only side of the object was to allow me to have symmetry when mirrored.


After constructing the object I had to ironically deconstruct it again by unrolling it. I did this because of the process of fabrication, as I did not find it economical to 3d print it. I was going to lasercut it and since this process needed 2d  I was forced to unroll my models surfaces.