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Prototype Paper/Cardboard

21. January 2013

The first prototype I created was out of paper/cardboard. I wanted to try out a fairly simple material to see how well it would work out with attaching the „armour“ to my arm. The problem that surfaced at the end was that the material tore easily and had to be repaired repeatedly by duct tape. The knife mechanism, on the other hand, worked surprisingly well. The positive aspect with this material was that it was very comfortable to wear and was very convenient to attach onto one‘s arm. 03_Prototype 1.1 04_Prototype 1.2 Improvement ideas: These are sketches done after the first prototype, as there were minor details to be taken care of, such as the nylon thread used for the knife mechanism cutting into the elbow while being stretched. There were other ideas of how the knife mechanism could work too. Yet because of asthetics, they were not used for any prototype in the end. Prototype I KnifeMechanism