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Blog-Thema: Allgemein


Crystallising is a topic made for research and experiments. During the first couple of lessons crystallisation was the most popular subject. Hence we had loads of ideas to begin with. Since crystallisation is a very slow process it is important to start experimenting quickly, find a good method and eliminate all badly working materials. We…

Alexander Häberlin

1. From cutting meat to a self tying shoe I started with the material meat. After analyzing different types of meat and their properties, I looked into the fat and his purposes,  analyzed the structure of the meat and muscles and looked for useful properties. First thinking that I could use the property of fat…

David Wyssen

Das Material: Kork; Herstellungsverfahren, Verarbeitung: stricken, erhitzen Nach kurzer Recherche, lernte ich Kork als ein vielfälltiges, natürliches Material kennen, welches sehr interessante Eigenschaften besitzt. Der Kork wird aus verschiedenen Korkeichenarten gewonnen und der Hauptproduzent in Europa ist Portugal. Kork wird u.a. in den Bereichen Architektur, Kleider und  ­Verpackung genutzt. 1 Kubikzentimeter Kork ­besteht aus bis…

Jon Wirthner

1. The matter – aspects of wood Wood is one of the oldest and most common materials used for all kinds of fabrication. Thus plenty of its potential uses are known already – which is not to say there are less possibilities to come up with innovation. In fact it means the very reverse: There…

Florian Wachter

1. Heat Regulating Surfaces My basic material is “Wax”. The fabrication method is folding or melting wax. My first idea was to meld wax and bring it in a flat surface. I would like do this with some different kinds and colors of wax. Firstly I would stake them over and over. After, I want to fold the wax to…

Felix Stricker

1. Plastic | Foam | Lamp My basic material and fabrication method was plastic and heating. First I was interested in heating PET, so that it can be moulded. After a while I found the PU Foam whose properties are very interesting: big expansion, hard, light and stable. With this foam I made a lot…

Nicole Schulthess

  1. Title of the Project – Melting stone my two keywords  To start with a material and a fabrication method, we had a morphologic box. I choose stone as material and melting as fabrication method. I decided to dive into the topic lava because this was my first thought to melting stone. I start…

Thomas Schertenleib

1. Sugar Lamp At the beginning of the course, we had to choose two out of a few words, a material and fabrication method. The words I chose were “burning (heating)” and “sugar”. There are different ways we can treat the material Sugar: We can dehydrate sugar so that only carbon is left. http://www.rsc.org/images/chemdemo%203_mar07_tcm18-79030.jpg Cotton…

Jonas S

1. Bone and its unique structure In the context of bone and building processes, two main characteristics of bone stand out. First, bone is light, second it’s still very stable and can endure a lot. Therefor I had a look at the macrostructure of bone to see whether I can imitate some patterns and implement…

Mona Neubauer

KNITTING PAPER In our course ‘Digital Fabrication’ we had to choose a material and a technique from a morphologic box which we developed in our class. My theme was ‘KNITTING PAPER’. During my research I was looking into knitting patterns, cell structures of cellulose – the basic material of paper, as well as where the…