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Idea: Message in a Bottle

During the second brainstorming session, we decided on a topic that could connect the people of Zurich together by messages: the same principle of "a Message in a Bottle". We liked the idea that the topic was to connect strangers who were living in the same area. These are the few points of the topic that caught our interest:
  • The person who sent the message is not sure if it would reach someone.
  • If the message does reach someone, the probability of someone reading the message is unclear.
  • If a person receives and reads the message, would he/she write back?
The idea was to embed multiple contraptions around Zurich so that each could be used to send messages to a random one stationed somewhere in Zurich. We thought of different aspects how "a message in a bottle" could help Zurich or what it could achieve or what information it could provide:
  • District Problems
  • Thoughts of Residents
  • What is "up to date"/happening in Zurich at the Moment
  • Tips
  • Wishes
  • Warnings/Precaution

Next Questions: Input and Output of Contraptions

  • How do we want people to receive messages? Should the messages be sent by audio?
  • Should the messages sent be delayed for the person who receives it?
  • How does the input look like? Do people send it by Twitter, SMS, ..? If not, how would we do it?