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Background (cuma360)

Background (cuma360) | Deliverable


Background (cuma360) | Conclusion

During our research we found, that the process of photographing can essentially be reduced to three areas: the camera, the photograph as object and the photo archive. We found texts with interesting thoughts in each of these three areas. Many of these approaches centered on the theme "enriching photos with Context" and the "the act of photography”. To summarize the research visually, we created a graphic from our findings. When analyzing the graphic, we realized that we need to work on the camera. This approach allows us to influence all three areas. We summarized our results in a question: How can we make the act of photography a real experience again? This question was too general and imprecise us! Therefore, we defined a new question, but their impact also relates to the first question: "How can the user capture the situation while taking the photo?"


Background (cuma360) | Bibliography

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