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Context Inquiry (RE-HABIT)

Context Inquiry

Re-Habit "Context Inquiry" Re-Habit "Interview sheets"

Overall conclusion

The changed life circumstances of patients commonly older than 50 years often result in lower urge for rehabilitation at home and thus less progress. This is increased by repulse of exercises and reduced usage of the impaired side during daily tasks. As the whole topic is based on individual coping strategies and individual preferences there is no solution for everyone. We believe home rehabilitation to be more of a challenge in terms of psychology and less in terms of medical neuroscience and technology founded precision. By focusing on the three strongest driving forces for motivation, several groups can be identified and used as foundation of future application drafts:
  1. Creating motivation by concentrating urge - in terms of applied direction or force, compassion or responsibility for someone or something. (“Force”)
  2. Creating motivation by empowering the own strong dedication through specific training methods and extended measurement of progress. (“Will”)
  3. Creating motivation by including hobbies, interests and social activities: Incorporating music, play, devices (and their interfaces) and levelled social interactions. (“Fun”)
Vital attributes to ensure acceptance in daily situations include small size, easy use, non medical design, slightly humorous character and to some extend self adjustment and self explanatory. (For detailed information see above PDF "Context Inquiry")


Observing therapy

Self experiment with Armeo Patient using Amadeo Self made therapy object Therapy objects Therapy activating phase Exercise

At patients home

Often used computer Gym equipment