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Context (xenobioticµm)

Before the context inquiry i knew nothing about pulmenary disease. The Talks gave me a good overwiev to the difficulty of the matter. i was most interested in the way how people with pulmonary diseases living with their illness. How they handle things or how they changed their habits during the affliction. I’ve been told allot of times that information is the most important thing therefore i focused my further development on that.I also spoke with them about special services. The question was; what would they consider as use and / or helpful to create a benefit regarding handling their disease. Of course, not all have the same needs but i think i had enough insights which i can use for further developement of a solution. Context Inquiry.

Interview pdf's:

interview with Amal (pdf) interview with Mathias (pdf) interview swith Stephan (pdf)

Interview audiofiles:

Interview with Amal (mp3) Interview with Mathias (mp3) Interview with Stephan (mp3)


Bulletion of Meteo Schweiz about the pollen consentration of 2010 Swiss pollen-flight monitoring network