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Background (RE-HABIT)

Background Research

Re-Habit "Background Research"


In the past about ten years advances in computer based systems, sensor measuring, miniaturisation and risen acceptance of (computer) games led to numerous studies for game based home rehabilitation. In general results are promising and brought several achievements. However, from a (interaction) design and user centred perspective, technical aspects seem to have been too much of an issue whereas fears, needs and experiences of stroke survivors and the goal centred approach of therapists are often not directly addressed.  (...)

Future Steps

Most projects point to a technical level and almost exclude the requirements of patients and therapist and their usual way of dealing with situations. While patterns of game design and theory may well apply to commercial games, motivation theory could be better suited in helping to create a playful but goal driven training exercise. The cause of that assumption is the training setting which is not - as games normally are - totally focused on intrinsic motivation to play but to train. And training is hardly due to sheer pleasure. As proposed (1) a design based framework could help to identify the key components of long term motivation in stroke rehabilitation. Furthermore in future projects it could help the patients to adapt training tools into their daily life and therapist to work even closer on the defined goals. (For detailed information see above PDF "Background Research") 1) Egglestone, Stefan Rennick /Axelrod, Lesley / Nind, Thomas / Turk, Ruth / Wilkinson,Anna / Burridge, Jane /Fitzpatrick, Geraldine / Mawson, Sue / Robertson, Zoe /Hughes, Ann Marie / Hui Ng, Kher / Pearson,Will /Shublaq, Nour / Probert-Smith, Penny / Rickets, Ian / Rodden, Tom (2009) : A design framework for a home-based stroke rehabilitation system: identifying the key components. Digital Object Identifier: 10.41OBIICST.PERVASIVEHEALTH2009.6049 http://dx.doi.org/10.410B/ICST.PERVASIVEHEALTH2009. 6049

Videos related to the paper

This post will be used for additional information about the mentioned projects in the background research and also some interesting video/links not explicitly mentioned.

Fugl-Meyer Test

(no sound)

Wolf Motor Function Test

(no sound)




The Stroke Rehabilitation Exerciser

Rutgers Master II Glove

Blog of different gloves

Rupert Therapeutic arm



by hocama Dropscatching / Shopping / ... german here

Rabbit chase (0:35) and Arrow Attack (2:18)

Curictus Stroke Rehabilitation


Games: Handling a cup

Age Invaders

pictures here

Beat the crocodile

beat the crocodile Video with patients (only downloadable)

Additional stuff about stroke

Stroke Awareness Campaign Symptoms spot

American Heart Association

Stroke Survivor's Hand Stimulated

ETH Neuroinformatics

more informations Puls vom 01.03.2010

Jill Bolte Taylor, a neuroanatomist

had a massively stroke. Here she tells how she felt when it happened. Very unexpected...

More physical games

Rehabilitation Gaming System

Telerehabilitation with ReJoyce and FES

Different haptic displays

Laboratory for Intelligent Mechanical Systems, USA