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Week2: Storyboard2:Tracking People

  1. There is the need to track individuals in a crowd. 
  2. The police  has to guarantee the safety of all participants of a big event, like the streetparade.
  3. So they want to be aware of potential hotspots and bottleneck situations.
  4. An architect wants to know,  how well his building performs.
  5. Insight in to the current use, allows him to detect flaws and optimize the design for further projects.
  6. Store-Managers need data regarding his customers and the way they move through a shop.
  7. This allows to improve product arrangement or presentation to increase sales. 
  8. There are problems with the current approach.
  9. Videosystems are pretty reliable for classification of individuals.
  10. But tracking those individuals in space is tricky and often produces errors.
  11. There may be a solution.
  12. What if there was a way to combine the videosystem with a 3d scanning device.
  13. Use the technology where it performs best.
  14. Classify using the videocamera.
  15. Tracking using the 3d scanner.
  16. There is a similar concept already in use!
  17. The police uses 3d laser-scanner or radar to track carsIf a speeding car is detected, it gets identified using a camera.